Girl expelled from school for ‘being possessed by devil’
A 13-year-old girl in Suna West in Migori County is living in agony after she was expelled from school over allegations of being possessed with the devil.
The Class 7 pupil at Nyamome Primary School was accused of being a member of a devil worship group and was allegedly engaged in enlisting her fellow pupils into the group.
The school is said to have taken the decision, which surprised many, after the girl could more often collapse in school and writhed in hysteria.
“The girl could collapse and start uttering unintelligible words as if she was communicating to spirits. She has been doing this for some time hence scaring the other pupils. This perhaps why the school administration decided to expel her,” said one of the teachers in the school,
The girl was expelled from the school three weeks ago and is now staying at home with little to do.
Speaking to ‘Nation‘ from their home, the girl said she was accused falsely.
“I am accused of something I even don’t even understand. I like going to school but now I have been barred. I just stay at home not knowing what to do,” said the girl, amid tears.
The mother of the girl refuted claims of her daughter belonging to a devil worship group. She says the school should not have expelled her daughter without informing her.
“I am crying for help. I don’t think my daughter is a devil worshiper. I am pleading with the school to allow her continue with her education as I seek medical help for her condition,” said the mother.
The school’s headmaster, Mr Joshua Siro, said the school administration sent her away after confirming that she was under the influence of demonic powers.
“She had been found behaving strangely while trying to recruit other pupils into the practice. We took this decision in order to save the other children from fear as most of them were shying away from school because of the girl,” Mr Siro said.
In a letter expelling the pupil, Mr Siro said the decision was made by the school’s board of management.
“The board and the entire staff of Nyamome Primary School wish to inform you of the unique character of your daughter which is demonic,” reads the letter dated July 2 2018 and addressed to the girl’s mother.
“We advise that you take her for prayers.” Mr Siro said they were forced to act because the girl had influenced three of her schoolmates who were falling down in fits.
But the girl’s mother described the decision to expel her daughter from the school as unfair and inhumane.
“What will I do with her? Where will I get another school in the middle of the term?” she asked.
She urged the Ministry of Education to intervene and let the girl be allowed back to school.
“I appeal to the Ministry of Education to intervene and let my daughter go back to school and continue with her education,” she added.
The girl’s case has been described by children’s rights activists in the area as unfortunate and insensitive.
The activists have vowed to take the case to court should the ministry of education fail to act.
“It is very unfortunate to expel an innocent girl from school on mere allegations. Could the school head consider the fact that the girl could be having a health condition? why conclude the girl is a devil worshiper? We demand that the child be taken back to school forthwith or we will seek legal redress on behalf of the family,” said Mary Akinyi, a chidren’s rights activist.