I have no hatred for the man who shot me
A Nairobi businessman has narrated his blood chilling experience at the hands of a highway robber who left him with a bullet two weeks ago.
Chirag Parmar was shot and left for the dead by his attacker near the Ojijo road – Kipande road roundabout moments after he had finished dinner at his parents’ home.
On the fateful night, while stuck in traffic, he had noticed a man wearing an off-white rain jacket walk past his car. He didn’t put much thought to it, but seconds later, he glanced at his side mirror and noticed that the man had turned around and had started walking back.
“Within a few seconds he was knocking on my window with his gun and I remember thinking to myself, today is my day, just another day in Nairobbery,” Mr Parmar narrated in a Facebook post.
He made a decision to cooperate with the robber.
“Leta kila kitu! (Give me everything!),” the man said to him as he cocked his gun.
Mr Parmar reached into his pocket and grabbed about Sh 10,000 and gave him. Unsatisfied, the thug grabbed his silver chain and asked for his mobile phone. It was an iPhone. The thug said he didn’t want it .
At that point, the thug managed to get his hand inside the car and rested his gun on Mr Parmar’s stomach.
He then noticed the ring on Mr Parmar’s finger and began pulling it.
The two men locked eyes, a moment the businessman described thus; “All I saw was hunger, fear and suffering. He must have been doing this for a reason. Maybe his family hadn’t eaten for a few days. Maybe he had a young child to feed at home. Maybe he had hospital bills to pay. Who knows?”
Mr Parmar said that he felt the man’s pain and gestured to him.
“I still have Sh 80,000 in my pocket, leave the ring.”
But before he could even reach for the money, he was shot In the abdomen.
In pain and bleeding, Mr Parmar left his car on the road and limped down the road in the pouring rain while clenching his abdomen as tight as he could.
He tried to call his mother but she didn’t answer.
When he reached the roundabout, he collapsed on the road as he begged for help from other motorists.
His shirt was by now socked with blood and he was in agonizing pain. No motorist stopped to help him
He eventually managed to reach his sister on telephone.
“I’ve been shot! I’m in so much pain…Aaahh… I’m at the Ojijo Road roundabout… get some help quick!” he said.
Just then, two Good Samaritans, Eva and Lillian, came to his rescue. They took him to M.P Shah Hospital.
“As people helped me into the car, a man reached over, pulled my phone straight out of his hand and walked away calmly,” recalled Mr Parmar.
He remembers waking up the next day in the High Dependency Unit (HDU) at M.P Shah Hospital with a numb leg and excruciating pain. That is when he was told that the bullet had gone straight through his abdomen and got lodged in the car seat.
The bullet had ruptured his colon and grazed my spine.
“Lucky enough, by some miracle, all vital organs were safe. I had been through an intensive surgery performed by Dr. M. R. Khan. He had cut out my ascending colon (including appendix) and re-stitched my digestive system back together. The surgery was very successful,” he narrated.
The 31 year old says that after the ordeal; “I am so grateful to still be alive. It is almost shocking how lucky I have been in this situation. What happened was unfortunate and I have no hatred for anyone following this ordeal.”
He adds; “I don’t blame anyone. It was just a case of wrong place at the wrong time. Whatever the case, I am a stronger man and nothing can stop me now. I have a new zest for life. I was saved for a reason. There is a purpose I need to fulfill. I’m only 31 years old and have a long life ahead of me to make a difference in this world.”
He concludes by saying; “It is with all their positive thoughts, blessings and good vibrations that I can say I am on my way to full recovery. And of course, if it wasn’t for Eva and Lillian, I would probably be a dead man… I will be forever thankful to them for saving my life.”