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Judiciary promises to keep anxious Kenyans posted

By Wangu Kanuri September 5th, 2022 2 min read

The Kenyan Judiciary has promised to keep anxious Kenyans posted on the time the ruling will be given.

In a tweet on their social media, the Judiciary said, “Presidential Petition: Immediately the Supreme Court indicates the time the judgment will be delivered, we shall post it here.”

The presidential petition is to be issued on Monday 5th September 2022. This is after a week of both Raila Odinga, the petitioner’s lawyers and President-Elect William Ruto’s lawyers presenting their evidence and countering their counterparts.

Mr Odinga moved to court immediately after the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission’s (IEBC) chair Wafula Chebukati announced William Ruto as the President-Elect.

Also read: WATCH: President-elect Ruto asks Kenyans to pray for Uhuru ahead of transition

Odinga disputed the win saying it was null and void and hired a team of over 50 lawyers to represent him. Additionally, Mr Odinga together with his presidential running mate Martha Karua escorted a lorry full of evidence to the Supreme Court.

With the hearing being characterised by humour, hilarious analogies and stories from each side’s lawyers, the light moments shared in court made Kenyans giggle.

If at all the Supreme Court will nullify William Ruto’s win, then it can order a fresh presidential voting election within 60 days with which President Uhuru Kenyatta will still be serving as the President.

Nonetheless, if the court finds that the president-elect did not secure 50 per cent plus 1 of valid votes, it will order a runoff, which must be held within 30 days, marking a first for Kenya.

On the other hand, if it affirms Ruto’s victory, then the court shall allow him to be sworn in on September 13th.

The court’s ruling will be decided by the majority vote, a bench of seven judges led by Chief Justice Martha Koome.

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