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KWS yet to capture stray lion in Karen

The Kenya Wildlife Service search party is still out looking for a lion that is alleged to have been sighted in Nairobi’s Karen area on Tuesday morning.

KWS says the Nairobi National Park Problem Animal Control unit personnel were Tuesday evening set to continue the search for a lion sighted in Hardy area of Nairobi’s Karen Estate on Monday night.

“The team will be using spotlights and lion call-back equipment to try and establish where the lion could be. The potential area where the lion could be includes expansive property with thick vegetation,” said KWS in a statement.


The initial report about the lion’s sighting came from private security firm personnel at midnight who reported the matter to Hardy Police Station Officers, who in turn informed KWS.

In response, KWS dispatched a team comprising of Problem Animal Control unit who searched the Maasai and Moran Lanes in Karen where the lion had been sighted.

The team members however did not trace the lion but saw foot prints which indicated entry and exit into a private property. The Team broke off the search at 4am and resumed operations at 7am.

The search area was extended to International Union for Conservation of Nature, Giraffe Centre and the International Primate Research Institute compounds.