Ladies, here are eight secrets that your man keeps
No man is an open book, no matter how honest he seems or much he swears that he is. The truth is that there are secrets that all men keep from the women in their lives.
There are secrets that your man is definitely keeping from you. Here’s a look into some of them:
1. That he checks out other women – Yes he does. This is every man’s secret. Maybe you notice him occasionally doing it and maybe you don’t but the truth is every man does and most men would like to keep this fact secret from their wives.
2. I used to date a model – Yes, if a man has dated an absolutely gorgeous woman in his past, then this is something that he is likely to keep secret from his current love. Not that he is ashamed of it. It is just that he doesn’t want to make his woman insecure.
3. The notion of commitment is still scary – Yes, for the average man, the notion of making a commitment to another is scary. It is still scary even if he has already made this commitment. You should however be pleased at the fact that it doesn’t mean that he wants to leave you.
4. He is terrified when you drive – You may be a fairly good driver but your man is still terrified when you drive. It is a power thing. It isn’t that he doesn’t trust your driving, it is just that it is difficult for him to relinquish all his power.
5. He still watches porn – Yes, he does. But don’t worry about it, it doesn’t mean that he is unsatisfied with you or that he is trying to leave you.
6. He loves it when you have a girls’ night – He does. He likes to spend some time away from you every so often. This however is something that he may never admit to you because he doesn’t want to seem as if he doesn’t enjoy your company.
7. Sometimes he just he isn’t in the mood – He isn’t always in the mood. Sometimes he is tired or bloated but he will still go through the motions because he knows that you think he is always in the mood.
8. He doesn’t like your bright lipstick – He doesn’t. His biggest worry is that it stay on him when you peck him.