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Nairobi woman charged with beating up husband

A 53-year-old woman who allegedly scalded her husband’s face with a substance suspected to be acidic was charged with assaulting him.

Ann Njambi, a businesswoman, is accused of unlawfully assaulting and causing actual bodily harm to Anthony Mwangi at their house at Balozi estate in Muthaiga North, Nairobi on April 1, 2023.

Mr Mwangi was leaving the bathroom at around 8 am when he was splashed with the substance on his face allegedly by his wife who descended on him punching him in the face while demanding money.

Mr Mwangi escaped to safety outside the house and called police officers who proceeded to his house and rescued him.

The officers arrested Ms Njambi and escorted her to the Muthaiga police station as Mr Mwangi proceeded to the hospital to seek treatment.

He returned to the hospital the following day where he was informed that he had been splashed with a suspected poisonous chemical that had affected his skin.

During investigations, Mr Mwangi told the police that his wife has been threatening him for the last three years.

Their dispute arises from a property they co-own within Kiambu county and the dispute has existed since 2017.

On her part, Ms Njambi told the police officers that she was demanding money from her husband after he sold her car.

She denied the charges when she was charged before Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti of Makadara Law Courts.

She was released on a cash bail of Sh15, 000. The case will be mentioned on May 17 before hearing starts on September 14.

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