Nairobi News


Why Nairobians are now opting for Tuk tuks instead of matatus and boda bodas

By NYABOGA KIAGE September 23rd, 2018 1 min read

Tuk tuk transport is gaining foot in most estates within Nairobi, making it the third most popular means of transport after matatus and boda bodas.

And it’s for two simple reasons; affordability and convenience, according to commuters and Tuk tuk operators, whose views Nairobi News sought.

“I was a fun of boda boda but when the tuk tuks arrived here, I opted for them,” said Paul Atandi, a resident of Githurai.


To other Nairobians, like Abraham Mburuki – a resident of Kahawa area off Thika road – it’s all about the convenience of not sharing your space with other passengers while commuting using a tuk tuk that counts for him.

“I’m a great fun of tuk tuks because they accommodate fewer passengers so they don’t waste a lot of time on the road,” says Mr Mburuki, who also revealed that he uses tuk tuks on a daily basis.

Hillary Kimani, a tuk tuk operator along the Roysambu-Santons route, says he is yet to hike his charges following the recent increase of fuel prices because he still makes a good profit.