Rebel or ruffian? Sonko waxes philosophical on quest for Nairobi seat
Nairobi gubernatorial candidate Mike Sonko is on a mission be understood. He considers job titles and other trappings of success not to be indicators of a good leader.
Neither should those with no titles, like himself, shy away from taking up leadership roles in society.
In fact, Mr Sonko thinks the unrecognized and titleless are often are the one who offer solutions in times of need.
“There are plenty of people with posh or important sounding titles and yet, scratch the surface and you find an insecure person who is hiding behind this same title,” Mr Sonko wrote on his Facebook page on Wednesday morning.
“Call yourself what you like but a title should not define who you are nor, should a lack of it, limit your horizons. How many of us have worked with or know people who do not have a high ranking job title or indeed position and yet, they are the ones who people flock to when in trouble or seeking advice? We all know plenty,” he added.
He used the example of former South African President Nelson Mandela, who despite incarceration for 27 years, did not let his prison surrounding limit his ambition to serve his people.
“Yet you, who is free to live as you wish, are more of a prisoner in your own world because you refuse to change your mindset into believing you have leadership potential because you say you are poor, have no job title, have no money, are a woman etc. Well, I say this: Unlock your mindset and set yourself free! Be the leader your country, your people and your community deserve to call their son/daughter,” said Mr Sonko.