Popular comedian Daniel Ndambuki alias Churchill has advised young comedians to stop engaging in wild gossip on social media and instead...
The late comedian Ben Maurice Onyango alias Othuol Othuol, who passed on while receiving treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH),...
The committee tasked with planning the burial of comedian Ben Maurice Onyango alias Othuol Othuol has come out to defend its Sh1 million...
Former 'Auntie Boss' actress Nyce Wanjeri has penned a moving tribute to fallen comedian Othuol Othuol who passed on last week after a...
Milele FM presenter and comedian Kazungu Matano alias Captain Otoyo denied reports circulating that Churchill Show comedian Othuol Othuol...
Plans to busy Churchill Show comedian Othuol Othuol at a cost of Sh1 million has raised varied reactions, especially since he struggled to...
Churchill Show comedian Ben Maurice alias Othuol Othuol, who died on Sunday after a long struggle with Tuberculosis and brain tumor, will...
Popular stand-up comedian Othuol Othuol has been admitted at Shalom Hospital in Machakos after he relapsed in his ongoing battle with...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...