In a recent interview on Capital FM, Robert Kirubi, the second-born child of the late Chris Kirubi, responded with humor to frequent...
Raila Odinga has remembered fallen businessman Chris Kirubi as the man who persuaded him to agree on a peace pact with former President...
It appears fallen businessman Chris Kirubi was not only a successful businessman but also a highly placed power broker. On Friday,...
Fallen businessman Chris Kirubi will be laid to rest at his farm in Thika on Saturday. The send-off for this prominent businessman, who...
Huddah Monroe has paid tribute to fallen businessman Chris Kirubi, revealing he once upgraded her air ticket to first class, and also...
Businessman and industrialist Chris Kirubi breathed his last on Monday, hours after he'd sent a goodwill message to his followers on...
Wealthy Kenyan businessman and industrialist Chris Kirubi has gone public about his family life and his views on the institution of...
After a prolonged period of speculation, business tycoon Chris Kirubi has come out to confirm that he has been battling cancer. Mr...
Business magnate Chris Kirubi seems to be on the mend in his battle with a yet to be disclosed disease. Mr Kirubi spent months in the...
Nairobi tycoon Chris Kirubi took to social media to school a graduate who was seeking his attention to have an appointment with him. In...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...