A group’s mission to console a colleague whose father had died turned tragic when their boat capsized in Lake Victoria on...
The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) have launched investigations into an incident in which a man in Kisumu on Friday morning...
Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) officers on Sunday shared pictures of the Nakuru-Kisumu Railway that is being rehabilitated. The pictures...
Residents of Kisumu county on Thursday showed love for President Uhuru Kenyatta and he loved them right back. The Head of State...
Police in Kisumu are searching for two brothers who killed their father’s lover on Wednesday night. It is a tale of a man, his ailing...
Kenya Airways (KQ) will now only fly domestic routes as it moves to adhere to the international flights ban imposed by the government...
Fresh details have emerged on the murder of Alfred Ndalana, a former traffic constable who was based in Kisumu. In a series of tweets...
A father and a stepmother have been arrested by police for reportedly burning the hands of their 14-year-old son for allegedly stealing a...
Police in Kisumu are holding a suspected member of a gang of robbers which has been targeting photographers in the town, and stealing their...
The body of a middle-aged woman drenched in acid was on Friday discovered at her home in Kisumu. The discovery came after neighbours...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...