Union, PSC seek out of court pact
The County government workers union and the Public Service Commission are in talks to end a court battle over a Collective Bargaining Agreement.
The Kenya County Government Workers Union lawyer told Justice David Marete they were negotiating and would need more time.
In May, PSC and the Transition Authority published and circulated a county public service manual declaring that all the CBAs signed between the former Local Authorities and KCGWU had lapsed.
The union members were to afresh for their jobs afresh.
However, the workers filed a case arguing that PSC was planning to block and frustrate a lawful CBA registered in court on February 7.
Through lawyer Katunga Mbuvi, KCGWU had earlier argued that the CBA between it and PSC was valid, having been negotiated by parties concerned and registered as provided in law.
“The transition from municipal counties to County government does not affect a legal right,” Mr Katunga argued.
The lawyers for the two parties told the court that since then, they agreed to seek audience with the PSC chief executive officer to solve the dispute.
The agreement will be a relief to Governor Evans Kidero and the Interim County Secretary Lilian Ndegwa.
The union had made an application seeking to be granted leave to commence contempt proceedings against them for failing to honour a court directive.