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Expert: How to ensure your in-laws do not interfere with your wedding plans

Nothing is as frustrating as in-laws trying to get in the way of your wedding planning process.

I know they are your in-laws and that they want to be part of their son’s marriage plan.

However, as a lady, this can be very frustrating.

They want to choose your wedding theme color, and clothes and the rest is frustrating.

The wedding is for the two of you, not for them.

Therefore, they should know that it is good to give advice but not try to get in the way.

Claudia Postigo, the founder of The Planner Co. shares her top tips for navigating potential conflicts between you and your in-laws with grace and confidence.

Claudia says, ‘In the end, managing in-law involvement during wedding planning requires clear communication, respectful compromise, and a focus on the couple’s vision. By setting boundaries, correctly prioritizing, and fostering a supportive environment, you can navigate the planning process gracefully and ensure that your wedding reflects your unique love story.”

Below are some of the ways you can deal with in-laws respectfully during the wedding planning process:

Open communication

Start by having an open and honest conversation with your partner about your concerns regarding interference from your in-laws.

Make sure you both are on the same page about how involved you want them to be in the planning process.

Set boundaries

Discuss with your partner what boundaries you want to establish with your in-laws regarding their involvement in the wedding planning.

Be clear about what decisions you and your partner want to make together without interference.

Involve them appropriately

While it’s important to set boundaries, it’s also considerate to involve your in-laws in some aspects of the wedding planning if they express interest.

You could assign them specific tasks or decisions that you’re comfortable with them handling.

Be firm but respectful

If your in-laws try to overstep boundaries or interfere with decisions that you and your partner have made, address the issue calmly but firmly.

Let them know that while you appreciate their input, certain decisions are yours to make as a couple.

Seek support

If you’re struggling to manage your in-laws’ involvement, seek support from friends, family members, or even a therapist.

Having someone to talk to about your concerns can help you navigate the situation more effectively.

Compromise when possible

Keep in mind that compromise is key in any relationship, including with your in-laws.

If there are certain aspects of the wedding where you’re willing to be flexible, consider finding a middle ground that respects everyone’s wishes.

Focus on your relationship

Remember that your wedding day is about you and your partner. Try not to let external pressures or conflicts overshadow the joy of planning your special day together.

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