Nairobi News


Ali Kiba’s estranged wife Amina Khaleef shows support for Palestine in Israeli war

In a show of solidarity with the ongoing fight between Palestinians and Israel, Amina Khaleef, the estranged wife of renowned Bongo singer Ali Kiba, has taken to Instagram to express her support for Palestine.

Amina Khaleef shared her thoughts on her Instagram account through two separate posts, reflecting her concern and empathy for the people of Palestine who have been facing long-standing conflicts and tensions.

“Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured. And excellent is the final home,” Amina Khaleef posted quoting Quran 13:24.

The first post captures a heartfelt message where Amina Khaleef acknowledges the struggle faced by the Palestinian people.

She joins the global community in condemning the ongoing conflicts and expressing her support for a peaceful resolution.

In a second post, she continues to express her solidarity, emphasizing the importance of unity and peace.

The singer’s wife joins many individuals and celebrities worldwide who have used their platforms to raise awareness about the situation in Palestine and advocate for peace in the region.

Her messages of support reflect her commitment to standing with those affected by the ongoing conflicts in the area.

As the Israel-Palestine conflict reaches its twelfth day, Kenyans are actively joining the global community in sharing their thoughts and concerns regarding the situation.

Tragically, on Tuesday, October 17, a devastating air attack on a Gaza hospital resulted in the loss of at least 500 lives. The shocking incident has added to the escalating humanitarian crisis in the region.

On Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council voted on a resolution, drafted by Brazil.

This resolution calls for humanitarian pauses in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas.

These pauses would facilitate the much-needed access to humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, where the situation has been dire and civilian lives have been heavily affected.

The international community’s involvement and the expressions of concern from people around the world, including Kenyans, highlight the urgency of finding a peaceful and humanitarian resolution to the ongoing crisis in the region.

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