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EPRA announces reduction in petrol, diesel, and kerosene prices

EPRA has announced a reduction of Sh5.31 per litre for petrol, Sh10 for diesel, and Sh18.68 for kerosene.

As a result, in Nairobi, petrol will now retail at a maximum price of Sh193.84 per litre, down from Sh199.15, while diesel and kerosene will be priced at Sh180.38 and Sh170.06 per litre, respectively, down from Sh190.38 and Sh188.74.

Earlier today, President William Ruto had hinted at the impending fuel price drop during a church service in Nyeri.

He stated that Kenyans would witness a significant reduction in fuel prices, attributing the decrease to the “right decisions” made by his government to strengthen the nation’s economy.

“Today the price of Unga that was Sh200 is almost hitting Sh100,the shilling hasĀ strengthened against the dollar,” he said.

“Fuel prices were up but today it is going down with Sh10. All this is because we are making the right decisions and not popular decisions,” the President said.

EPRA’s February review had previously reduced fuel prices by Ksh.1, setting the prices for Super Petrol, Diesel, and Kerosene at Ksh.206.36, Ksh.195.47, and Ksh.193.23, respectively.

The president also urged leaders in Kenya to remain focused, emphasising the historic opportunity they have to bring about positive change in the country.

“The countries ahead of us put an end to poverty, industrialised, have made progress and all this is because they made the right decisions and their leaders led from the front,” Ruto said.