Here are KOT’s thoughts on ‘Form 34 Bees’ in Nairobi’s CBD
Kenyans online have shared hilarious reactions to an early Wednesday morning incident outside the Supreme Court where a swarm of bees attacked protestors, journalists and police officers.
According to eyewitnesses, a beehive at one of the lamppost in the area was disturbed causing the bees to attack the group that was congregated outside the court awaiting the presidential election hearing full judgment.
A disabled beggar was left unconscious after the bees attacked and injured. Police officers, journalists and the protestors had to flee the scene as the bees attacked.
Kenyans on Twitter came up with different theory as to why the bees attacked on a day the whole country was listening to the Supreme Court judgment.
Here are some of their thoughts:
‘Form’ 34 Bees cleared the street off protestors and riot police. Nature can be brutal. #SupremeCourtRuling
— Gadaphy (@Eng_Gadaphy) September 20, 2017
The form 34 bees today arrived! #SupremeCourtDay
— Stephen nzioka (@StexienNzioka) September 20, 2017
Form 34 ??? pale Subreme Goat.
— Mac Otani (@MacOtani) September 20, 2017
#SupremeRuling we thank the bees in Canaan for taking time out to help provide security..Canaan is a land of Milk Honey and Security
— Momanyi Elijah (@elimoman) September 20, 2017
Our Kamba brothers have shown their solidarity with @dkmaraga in form of bees to chase away ni partisan and subjective jubilee sycophants
— Austin Otieno (@juniabayano) September 20, 2017
1 People 1 Nation 1 Kenya
Form 34 Bees manenos #SupremeRuling— Nicholas N N (@NNNentrepreneur) September 20, 2017
You can withdraw Maraga’s security but God provides him with super security……BEES.
— Johnson Ayuka (@omarijoh) September 20, 2017
Those bees were natural tear gas#SupremeRuling
— nelly edmond (@nellyedmond1) September 20, 2017
Even the bees are angry with protesters!
— Bruce (@MusunguBruce) September 20, 2017