Why Kenyans are ‘sick and tired’ of #TheseMCAs
Kenyans online have started a trending hashtag questioning what they termed as huge expenditures in county governments across the country.
The hashtag #TheseMCAs is a harsh indictment on members of county assemblies whose numerous trips abroad and general conduct has come under scrutiny.
The hashtag became the top trend one on Wednesday as Kenyans called for Senators to play their oversight roles in their respective counties to ensure service delivery and decorum by MCAs.
@ndotch18 tweeted, “Sadly, in many counties, the approval of county budgets has been used by MCAs as a means to make money. #TheseMCAs.”
@sndaire wrote, “It is sad that MCAs demand for more pay and allowances but they are delivering nothing. Sad to hear an MCA telling people that it’s the work of MPs to represent them as if the people have not read the constitution. MCAs are just lazy people with an almost cool name #TheseMCAs.”
@KibetBenard_ stated, “You ask #TheseMCAs from your area what this foreign trips has brought to them apart from good allowances and fighting for more in the county assemblies.”
@HillaryNgasura tweeted, “#TheseMCAs The worst case; instead of the MCAs doing what they were elected to, they end up attacking one another, using anything around them as an arsenal to harm fellow colleague over some trivial matters, depicting a higher level of uncivilization ever.”
@alienatedbylove added, “#TheseMCAs will tarnish our name both locally and internationally. So much greed.”
@jalufeta wrote, “MCAs are worse than independence councilors, their greed is out of this world #TheseMCAs.”
@FelixMutua stated, “MCAs are the face of Impunity and Immorality in this country, their conduct tells you whats wrong with society #thesemcas.”