Looking for a lost kin? Try at Ruai sewer plant
At least one foetus or body of an adult is collected every week from the Ruai Sewage Treatment Plant, several kilometers from the City centre.
This translates to almost 50 corpses every year, meaning a lot of aborted foetuses or murdered babies usually end up in the sewerage systems.
Residents whose relatives or friends disappear could also check with the plant as bodies of adults also end up there through the main sewer lines.
This was revealed by Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company (NWSC) Managing Director Philip Gichuki recently.
“All that is true. Many foetuses and bodies end up at the treatment plant. Nairobians had better stop misusing our sewer lines for they were not constructed for that purpose,” he said in an interview.
He complained that Nairobians dump anything in the sewer lines, a situation that affects the sewage treatment process at the plant. Nylon papers, stones, plastics, clothes and metals usually end up in toilets and sewers.
“This plant was set up to help residents in our capital city. It is not wise to misuse it because that results in blockages which could become harzadous to the environment,” said Mr Gichuki.
He added that dumping bodies makes it unnecessarily expensive to maintain and operate the plant. Relatives also at times find it difficult to identify the corpses since they may have decomposed beyond recognition.
Questioning morality
“The cost of operating the plant and maintenance of sewer lines is usually affected by blockages. Unfortunately, when the cost shoots up, it must be passed to the very consumers,” he said.
He added that the cost of provision of water and many related services would significantly go down if Nairobians used the sewer system properly.
Kayole OCPD Samuel Mukindia said the issue had not been brought to his attention.
“We used to get such reports sometimes back. If that is happening it is supposed to be reported to us. Why, in the first place, are we throwing away foetuses? It shows how low we have sunk in our morals.” he said.