Museveni: We can block Kenyan goods
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has threatened to block Kenyan products from accessing Ugandan market, saying the country’s [Kenya] move to block sugar and chicken exports from Uganda is not only “myopic” but contravenes the East Africa Community Protocol.
“We buy a lot of goods from Kenya. Some of those [Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)] officials are ‘narrow’ minded. They wanted to block our sugar. Now they have gone for our chicken. If I say no more, Kenya will feel it and open up its market for our goods,” he said.
Speaking at the launch of the Hudani Manji Chicken plant in Semuto, Nakaseke District on Wednesday, President Museveni said he would petition the Kenya government to resolve the matter.
“I shall sort it out with President Uhuru Kenyatta,” he said.
Officials from the KRA said they would comprehensively respond to Mr Museveni’s comments on Thursday.
The President’s reaction followed a complaint from Mr Alykan Hudani, the Hudani Manji chairman, saying KRA was blocking his firm from exporting chicken to Kenya.
Courtesy of Daily Monitor