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Mustapha and Nyota: the fight goes on

Singer Nyota Ndogo has been in the news lately, criticising rapper Mustapha for disrespecting women.

Mustapha had posted some sexually revealing photos with Nairobi socialite and former Big Brother Africa contestant, Huddah Monroe. 

Over the weekend, Mustapha was on the NTV show, The Trend, when Nyota was called from Mombasa by host Larry Madowo.

Even though Mustapha apologised for disrespecting women, Nyota would not hear any of it, accusing Mustapha of acting in a childish way.

“Even your answers are just childish,” a bitter Nyota said.

The Mombasa-based songstress had vowed to mobilise women around the country to march against Mustapha, for disrespecting women.