Nairobi Human right activists teargased, arrested in aborted protest – VIDEO
The Deputy Executive Director of Kenya Human Rights Commission Davis Malombe has been arrested and taken to Central Police Station after a planned protest on the streets of Nairobi was scuttled by police officers.
Also arrested with Malombe is another activist by the name Julius Kamau.
The two were arrested at GPO shortly after they left Freedom Corner in Uhuru Park where they had gathered earlier on. The two are currently at the police station with their lawyers.
The activists were holding demonstration in solidarity with the people of Sudan against the military government that took over following the ouster of President Omar Al Bashir in April.
The activists were dispersed by police officers at GPO as they made their way to Parliament to present a petition to the Senate.
The first teargas was hauled at the activists while still at Freedom Corner but they stayed put forcing the officers to allow them access the Central Business District.

The Sudanese military had initially announced that it would run the country through a Transitional Military Council for six months before handing over power to civilian rule through a democratic election.
The heads of the military have, however, reneged on their promise to the people and instead drafted a 50/50 power sharing agreement with civilians.
This move has sparked widespread protests in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum which have led to the death of more than 30 people with many more wounded.