NTSA online services unavailable till Monday
The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has announced the interruption of some of its services for five days, effective Thursday.
In a statement, the authority said the interruption is due to the continuous service improvement strategies.
NTSA explained that all portals hosted on their websites as well as the mobile application will not be available from Thursday till Monday.
The services to be interrupted include the available services through tims.ntsa.go.ke (Smart DL booking/enrolment, PDL, Test Booking applications, Collection of Logbooks, and Number Plates).
The NTSA Mobile Application and the contact center will also be temporarily inaccessible.
The collection of Smart Driving Licences at various centers and services on the revamped TIMS will be available to the public.
Other services that will be available include transfer of ownership, inspection booking, duplicate logbook among others will however also be available to the public on the revamped TIMS – timssvirl.ntsa.go.ke once the maintenance is undertaken.
This system upgrade comes just after NTSA announced it would commence inspecting vehicles that are more than four years old from the date of manufacture on Kenyan roads.
In a letter signed by Interior and Citizen Services PS Paul Famba, all vehicles regardless of ownership will be inspected in line with Section 16 (2) of the Traffic Act.
This means the National Transport and Safety Authority will inspect almost all vehicles on the roads. There are more than 3.2 million vehicles on Kenyan roads.
“The Act specifically provides that every vehicle more than four years old from the recorded date of manufacture shall be subjected to inspection by the motor vehicle inspection unit,” he said in the memo dated May 10.
In 2019, NTSA issued tough rules on the motor vehicle inspection regulations in an effort to tame perennial road carnage.