Police officer filmed assaulting driver and damaging his vehicle
An amateur video is making its rounds on social media capturing an armed police officer assaulting a driver.
In the undated video, the motorist is heard wailing as he protests being assaulted by the officer.
It all starts with the driver handing over some papers to the officer. However, the officer goes ahead and forcefully grabs the car keys but he ends up spoiling the ignition.
This leads to a heated exchange between the two with the driver claiming the officer has damaged his vehicle.
“Niko na barua na unaharibu gari yangu, ninakuchukuwa video na gari yangu lazima utalipa (I have a letter and you are here spoiling my car, I’m recording everything on video… you have to pay for the damages),” the driver keeps shouting.
But the police warns the driver against recording him on video, orders which the driver defies.
It is then that the officer opens up the driver’s door as he charges forward as the driver wails for help.
The Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai recently asked members of the public to take videos of rogue officers and send them to his office.
“We shall then take action against all the officers who will be found on the wrong,” Mr Mutyambai said two weeks ago.