Media personality Ciru Muriuki bid a symbolic farewell to her fiancé, Charles Ouda, during his body viewing session at All Saints...
The late Charles Ouda, renowned for his portrayal of Philip (PP) in the beloved TV series Makutano Junction, is being laid to rest today at...
The family and friends of Charles 'Charli' Ouda, a beloved member of the film and TV fraternity, are preparing to bid their final farewell...
Ciru Muriuki, the fiancée of the late actor Charles 'Charli' Ouda, has reflected on their precious moments together, recalling their love...
The sudden passing of actor Charles Ouda has left his family and loved ones in mourning, as they come together to pay heartfelt tributes to...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...