After quitting the Churchill Show to start her own, female comedian Teacher Wanjiku has been trying to negotiate a return to the show that...
Comedian Eric Omondi will start his one-month world tour on Saturday by launching his new stand-up comedy show Eric Omondi Untamed. The...
Late January, Churchill show host Daniel Ndambuki announced that one of the comedians, Owago Onyiro, would be leaving in February for a...
Churchill Show’s naughtiest comedian Owago Onyiro will next week leave for a tour in the US. “I am very excited because this will be...
Video director J Blessing has left Churchill Show. Rumour has it that J Blessing left because of poor pay, a claim he has...
Comedian Eric Omondi will not be on your TV screen soon, Chillax can confirm. Eric, who was expected to make a come back on NTV’s...
On January 13 we reported that Teacher Wanjiku , a popular comedian on Churchill Show had quit to pursue other interests. However, the...
Female comedian Teacher Wanjiku has given her last Kiswahili lesson to her fans as she quit the Churchill Show to pursue other ventures...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...