Season two of the Showmax hit series, Single Kiasi, recently aired its season finale, and all 13 episodes were unveiled on the streaming...
Showmax, the giant on-demand streaming platform, is now airing Kenya's first original telenovela, Second Family. The novela's episodes are...
Streaming channel Showmax has revealed Second Family, its first original telenovela in Kenya. The series follows the dysfunctional...
Grace Kahaki, the producer of the Kenyan dating drama series Single Kiasi has explained the reason behind casting harsh ‘judge’ Ian...
Season 2 of Kenya’s drama Single Kiasi, which is set to premiere next week on Showmax, will have several cast members including Grace...
Genge rapper Nonini has accused gospel musician Daddy Owen and renowned Kenyan thespian Ian Mbugua of sabotaging his work as the Chairman...
Two matatu conductors employed by Marimba Investment Sacco were on Wednesday charged with murdering a motorist on Christmas eve in a...
Ian Mbugua has been nominated in the Africa Magic Viewer’s Choice Awards 2014 which is in its second edition. The announcement was...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...