Detectives are investigating an incident involving two prison warders who were arrested while attempting to smuggle narcotics into Nairobi...
Two prison warders who had arrested a member of the public on Friday were beaten up by a mob. The incident took place near Falcon Bar...
Citizen TV’s Jacque Maribe opened up to State House Secretary of Digital Communication Dennis Itumbi on what staying at Nairobi Remand...
The former Nairobi Town Clerk John Gakuo has died in a Nairobi hospital. Gakuo's lawyer Asa Nyakundi confirmed the death and said his...
Thursday morning finds us at the visiting room of Nairobi Remand Prison in Industrial Area. Few seats are available in the mirthless,...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...