A number of present and past politicians began their careers as student leaders in public universities. While at university, these...
Kenyans on Twitter on Monday expressed mixed feelings after fiery student leader Paul Ongili aka Babu Owino was declared the winner in...
Embakasi East aspirant Paul Ongili alias Babu Owino on Monday made inciting comments after his win stating that he would have won either by...
The University of Nairobi students have notified the police of a planned two day demonstration over what they are terming as “clinging to...
University of Nairobi student leader, Babu Owino, has been arrested for causing disturbance at the Kilimani Police Station while seeking...
A university student leader will hold office for a one-year term and be eligible for re-election once. The Universities (Amendment) Act...
University of Nairobi students leader Paul Ongili Owino, alias Babu Owino, was on Thursday charged at Kibera court with assault and causing...
Sonu leader Babu Owino was arrested Wednesday night and is expected to be charged in court on Thursday with causing grievous bodily...
University student representatives will only hold office for a maximum of two terms if a government-backed Bill seeking to tame ‘career...
A video of university students being brutally assaulted by the police that went viral was taken during the recent riots over the student...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...