When politicians address the issue of the high cost of living, their focus often narrows down to the seemingly straightforward solution of...
A section of Homa Bay residents have differed with President William Ruto's comment on the price of maize flour (Unga). In his State of...
The cost of Ugali, the Kenyan staple food prepared using maize flour, has gone down. A spot check by Nairobi News on November 8, 2023,...
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja is currently in New York, United States, as part of the Kenyan delegation attending the Climate Ambition...
The Principal Secretary of the State Department for crop development in the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Mr Kello...
Two weeks after President William Ruto announced the availability of cheap maize meal flour, the commodity is now missing on the shelves he...
Kenyans will have to dig deeper into their pockets to survive the high cost of living brought about by the latest fuel price hike. A...
Maize flour (Unga) prices have largely remained the same despite an announcement on the contrary by President Ruto. A spot check by...
President William Ruto has shared a fresh promise with Kenyans in regard to the price of maize flour (Unga). During a meet the people...
President William Ruto has said that the price of maize flour (Unga) will come down in the coming days. Speaking on April 14, 2023,...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...