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Wajackoyah: 5 Things bhang can do for Kenya

Roots Party presidential candidate Prof George Wajackoyah on Thursday unveiled his manifesto dubbed the 10 Steps to Freedom.

Top of his agenda is to legalise bhang. Here are some of the benefits of cannabis sativa, with Nyeri County as an example, as captured in Wajackoyah’s manifesto.

1. If we grew Bangi in Nyeri alone in one year, we can pay Kenya’s entire debt portfolio.

2. If we can grow Bangi in Nyeri alone, each Kenyan could get a dividend cheque of Shs.200,000 every year from the sale of Bangi

3. If we grew Bangi in Nyeri alone, we would build 2 expressways in each county in Kenya.

4. If we grew Bangi in Nyeri alone, Kenya could buy Bill Gates and Microsoft in just 2 years.

5. If we grew bangi in Nyeri alone, Kenya will have 10% of IMF total cash reserves. In short we will never have to borrow a single coin in future.