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Gachagua takes on Murang’a Governor Irungu Kang’ata in illegal brew menace

By Sammy Waweru February 17th, 2024 2 min read

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has instructed Murang’a Governor Irungu Kang’ata to crack down thoroughly on illicit brewers in his county.

Mr Gachagua affirmed the county boss of his support in the fight against illicit and poisonous alcohol.

Addressing a public rally on Thursday, February 15, 2024, in Kangema, the DP told the Murang’a Governor that he should even write him letters in case he is threatened by cartels brewing illicit alcohol.

President William Ruto is on tour in the Mt Kenya Region, where he is unveiling various development projects.

To strengthen the campaign, Mr Gachagua announced that Murang’a got a new commissioner, whom he praised for succeeding in the fight against the menace where he was previously working.

“Honorable President, in Murang’a we had a small issue with alcohol, and we looked for a new county commissioner who has succeeded in another place. Mr Commissioner, help Kang’ata; he was threatened by alcohol cartels,” said the second in command.

In a statement that triggered laughter, the DP gave the Governor the go-ahead to contact him through letters in case his commitment to fight against illicit brew is threatened by the said cartels he claimed are hindering the cause.

“And you, Mr Kang’ata, if they ‘sell’ fear to you, write me a letter. Aren’t you a man of letters? Tell me they are threatening you,” Mr Gachagua stated.

Dr Kang’ata, while serving as Murang’a Senator, once crafted a letter addressed to the former President Uhuru Kenyatta, informing him that the ground was hostile against the retired head of state who, in the run-up to the 2022 general elections, endorsed opposition leader Raila Odinga (Azimio) to succeed him.

However, the move did not go well with the then head of state and his allies.

DP Gachagua made the alcohol remarks about the recent Kirinyaga County illicit brew incident that has since claimed over 20 lives, with a dozen becoming blind.

“Among those who succumbed to the poisonous alcohol is a 74-year-old woman. We have cracked the whip on the administrative officers who lagged,” Mr Gachagua announced.

With Murang’a getting a new county commissioner, the second in command stated that the officer pledged to root out illicit brewers in two weeks.

“I will visit Kangema after two weeks to assess the situation. We cannot allow businesspeople without humanity, whose children study abroad, reside in Karen and Lavington, to brew poisonous alcohol and sell it to the children of the poor people,” the DP warned.

He unveiled the campaign against illicit brew in early 2023, where he put police bosses, and regional, and county commissioners on notice.

“Where there is a chief and there is alcohol, one must go, and since alcohol does not have senses, the chief must leave. Let it be noted, no police officer will be transferred if one is unable to fight the illicit brew menace; they know where they belong.”

The DP promised that the campaign would also be extended to other parts of the country.​

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