Kibwana says no to presidency, but Twitter will hear none of it
Kenyans on Twitter are using #ApendeAsipendeMovement to advance a 2022 Kivutha Kibwana presidency despite his lack of appetite for the top job.
Users are tweeting how they will volunteer to campaign for the governor even as he hinted at retirement from politics come 2022.
In a post online, the governor wrote on Sunday that he will miss serving people when he retires, a statement that many rejected and urged him instead to contest for the presidency.
The governor said he is focusing on serving Makueni residents to the last day and is not interested in the 2022 succession politics.
Currently on his second term, Governor Kibwana has caught the attention of Kenyans online with his county’s development agenda that saw the rolling out of the first universal health care program.
Photos of him kneeling down while talking to pupils and sitting on the ground with elderly women have warmed hearts online, further fuelling the #ApendeAsipendeMovement.
Economists David Ndii and Wehliye Mohammed, among the people proposed to work in President Kibwana’s cabinet, have since recused themselves.
#ApendeAsipendeMovement Dream Team joining @governorkibwana based on Public Demand. Keep the suggestions coming… @WehliyeMohamed, @DavidNdii, @okothkenneth, @TabithaKaranja, @OkiyaOmtatah, @bonifacemwangi & @kenyanpundit
— Wanjikũ Revolution™ (@WanjikuRevolt) October 7, 2018
I had the privilege of knowing @governorkibwana while he was at AIU. His humble approach to life and listening restores our hopes. Let him also lead us in what so few have – leaving power to those who would follow his example! #TupendeTusipende #Tuende #ApendeAsipendeMovement
— Justin Rasmussen (@JustJRams) October 7, 2018
The #ApendeAsipendeMovement may be a genuine attempt at searching for good leadership but its I'll conceived. Have its proponents approched Kibwana with their request? Ama its just an attention seeking tag?
— Son of a Teacher (@Platuex) October 8, 2018
#ApendeAsipendeMovement starts a necessary conversation. it is a revelation that we know better now, but we must do a lot in matters voter education to expedite such revolutionary changes.
— Kwaj Dala (@GEORGEAGAK) October 5, 2018
Let @governorkibwana be! Let's stop lying to him that we shall bote for him for president. Come 2022, we shall all fall back to our tribal cocoons! What did we do with @bonifacemwangi, @MarthaKarua @PeterKenneth_ & Pst. Pius Muiru? #ApendeAsipendeMovement is a SCAM!!
— #WuodMosenda™ (@robi_chacha) October 8, 2018
Can whoever is in charge of this #ApendeAsipendeMovement please remove my name from the list. It is wrong to put people up for insults without their consent. I prefer to invite my insults myself. I am not interested in public office and I have stated on these lanes ad nauseum
— David Ndii (@DavidNdii) October 7, 2018
@DavidNdii just like @governorkibwana we don't need your consent. Hatuta umia ukiwa. Anza kuzoea jina your Excellency mapema #ApendeAsipendeMovement
— Eric Ashanda (@EricAshanda) October 8, 2018
When you find whoever is in charge pia uwaulize wanitoe ! I plan to retire at 50 in sha Allah & be full time at King'eero Institute.
— Mohamed Wehliye (@WehliyeMohamed) October 7, 2018