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Autopsy: How Mildred Odira was brutally killed, body abandoned on road

A post-mortem on the body of Mildred Akinyi Odira showed that she was hit by a blunt object on the head and other parts of her face before being abandoned on the side of a road.

Pathologists examining the body of the 32-year-old switchboard operator for Foresight Company, based at Nation Centre, said the injuries she sustained on the forehead, the cheeks and the neck were inflicted on her while she was seated upright.

The report was released to the family at City Mortuary, where her body had been lying since after it was found by police near Allsopps, on Thika Road, on Tuesday, January 29. The family later moved the body to Lee Funeral Home.


While revealing the details of the autopsy report, Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo said Ms Odira had several injuries on her torso.

“The cause of death was the injury on the forehead, it looks like she was hit by a hammer and after she was dead then placed on the road for vehicles to run over her,” Ms Odhiambo said.

The autopsy also showed that the injuries on her limbs occurred after “she was ran over by a car and not knocked down,” Ms Odhiambo said.

To establish this, human anatomists observe the changes of colour in the shape and position of the organs. The pooling of blood on the person’s body — a phenomenon called lividity — also provides a clue on the person’s posture before death.


This is caused by the fact that when the heart stops beating, blood moves with gravity to the lowermost part of the body, depending on its position.

Samples extracted from Ms Odira’s nails and private parts were taken for analysis to ascertain if she was raped.

The results of the autopsy were released as Ms Odira’s brother said he had received threats from unknown people.