City MCA wants road renamed after Starehe Boys founder Geoffrey Griffins
A city MCA has proposed that a popular road be renamed after Starehe Boys’ Centre Founder Dr Geoffrey William Griffin.
Eastleigh North MCA Osman Ibrahim Adow moved the motion to have Ring Road Ngara renamed after Dr Griffin for his contribution to the society.
The county assembly legislator stated that naming roads after individuals who contributed to society bestows honor and gratitude for their deeds.
Osman stated that Dr Griffin dedicated his life to improving the lives of Kenyan youths by educating them through scholarships.
“Concerned that such heroes haven’t had recognition for the great work and role they played, this Assembly urges the Nairobi City County Government to rename Ring Road Ngara to Dr G. W Griffin Road in recognition of his efforts and great contributions to the county and country at large,” stated Osman.
This is not the first time the Assembly is receiving a motion to rename a road after prominent individuals.
In 2015, Karura Ward MCA Kamau Thuo moved a motion to have Limuru Road renamed after Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai.
Later in 2016 during the Mashujaa Day celebrations, the county government renamed Forest Road to Professor Wangari Maathai road, Cross Road renamed Charles Rubia Road and the road between City Hall Annexe going past Cardinal Otunga plaza up to Uhuru highway renamed Cardinal Otunga road.