City women find new use for Strepsils throat lozenges in the bedroom
Nairobi women have devised a new use for a popular sore throat remedy commonly known as Strepsils.
The lozenges are antiseptics manufactured to relieve the discomfort of sore throats, but which are now being used to create a sensational feeling during oral sex.
Women in the popular Kilimani Mums Nairobi Uncensored Facebook page have been sharing ideas on how to use the lozenges to spice up their sex lives.
The skill has also been shared widely among women in closed social media groups.
When taken just before oral sex, the women claim the lozenges have the effect of leaving a refreshing taste in the mouth during the activity.
According to members of the group, their men have also reported a better experience during oral sex when they use the lozenges.
City women who claim to have tried the new trick recommend the uninitiated to use the Strepsils Cool flavour. They say it has a menthol taste that leaves a ‘cooling effect’ on the man.
In the past, women have used ice cubes and ice cream to achieve the same effect during oral sex.
A word of caution though to women who may consider trying out the new trick: Its is important to cool off the menthol on the lozenges with water first before the activity so as not to ‘burn’ your partners.
The ‘discovery’ has led to the creation of the Facebook page titled Strepsils-For the ladies who know how to give it more.
In one of the discussions, a female user narrated; “I went to buy strepsils today. The man at the chemist started some interrogation, unataka za nini, tonsils? Si ununue antibiotics. Real embarrassing . Then hakuna za menthol, regular zitafanya? Hahaha.”
“This nonsense with strepsils should stop. Nimeshikwa na sore throat kuenda kwa chemist kununua strepsils naambiwa za blue zimeisha,” ranted another user.
Yet another stated, “That akward moment umesunda #strepsils chini ya pillow ukitegea bae atoke bafuni only to enter in the bedroom na kumpata anazimumunya mdogo mdogo…. ndio utajua mapenzi ni safari na hakuna fare.”