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Kenya Power blackouts in Nairobi estates and Kajiado to impact businesses

A number of business premises are expected to be affected after the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) announced a massive blackout in various parts of Nairobi and Kajiado counties.

In a statement, the electricity provider said that the areas will be affected due to “normal maintenance”.

In Nairobi County, Jamhuri and Woodley area are scheduled to be affected by the power blackout that will last for eight hours.

The specific areas include; Prestige Plaza, Woodley Springs, Mugo Kabiru Road, Joseph Kang’ethe Road, Moi Girls, Langiri Road and Toi market.

Other areas that will also be affected include; Winners Chapel Church located at Adams Archade, the whole of Woodley Estate, Toi Primary School, Suna Road, Kinangop Road, Togo Flats, Christ is the answer Ministry (CITAM) church, Jamhuri Phase one and two, Amani Court, Prison Quarters and adjacent customers.

Konza City and Ilpolosat areas will also be affected by the power blackout KPLC further said.

Also read: List of neighbourhoods set to be hit by power blackout

The specific areas include; Part of Konza City, Konza Boreholes, Konza ABC, Konza Railway, Ilpolosat and adjacent customers.

In Kajiado County, a number of areas especially in Isinya will be affected by the power interruptions as scheduled by KPLC.

The specifi areas include; Isinya, Pipeline Road, Inkiito, Enchoro, Ashanti, Kongoni, Meru Petrol Station, Naresho Kenchic, Noosuyian Kenchic, Kiwanhani, Ramoda Ceramic, KEDA Ceramic, Glob Seal Company and UMMA university.

Others include; Naisula School, Kajiado Town, the office of the District Commissioner, the Kajiado Law Courts, Sambel, Blue Sky, Namanga Town, Bisil, KMQ, Unique mining and Mile 46.

KPLC further listed, Namanga Road, Kumpa, Showground, Majengo, Saab Royal Hotel, Enchola Hotel, Iseuri and adjacent customers as those that will be affected.

Since January 2023, KPLC has been announcing daily power interruptions that affect different parts of the country.

Whenever, there is a blackout many business premises are usually affected and owners end up counting losses.

Also read: Power blackout in Nairobi and other parts of the country