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Kipruto Arap Kirwa urges Ruto to reduce taxes on petrol

By Mercy Simiyu November 15th, 2023 2 min read

Former Cherangany lawmaker Kipruto Arap Kirwa has asked the government to be considerate when taxing Kenyans.

Kirwa who also served as Agriculture Minister, indicated that Kenyans are the most taxed citizens in East Africa.

Speaking during a TV interview on November 15, 2023, Kirwa further voiced his concerns about the alarming trajectory of fuel prices in Kenya, despite a global decrease in oil costs.

He delved into the intricacies of the fuel pricing dynamics, citing a notable contrast between the current oil prices and their impact on the Kenyan market.

“The oil prices were at 156 today at that particular time; fuel landed was $122 a barrel. Today it is under 100, and yet the prices are still escalating. Why? Because in the East African region, Kenya has the highest amount in taxes in terms of the absolute figures, whether it is levies or taxes, and for your information, there are about nine of them, cumulatively about sh80. This is the highest in East Africa. The irony is that countries like Rwanda, and Uganda, which have not locked their fuel prices, have lower prices than us, yet the same fuel would have passed through Kenya,” Kirwa explained.

Highlighting the specific tax figures, Kirwa detailed that Kenya faces an accumulation of about nine taxes, amounting to approximately sh80. In comparison, other East African countries have significantly lower tax burdens, with figures ranging from 56 to as low as 46.

Kirwa went further, expressing dismay over what he called a “fiasco” and “outright theft of the revenue of Kenyans” in the government’s engagements termed as “G to G” or Government to Government transactions.

“Let us not pretend about what is going on. This is a transactional regime that is in town to loot the economy of this country. They don’t care,” Kirwa boldly declared, accusing the current administration of prioritizing self-interest over the economic well-being of the nation.

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