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Landlord with big heart waives 2-month rent

A landlord in Nyandarua County has become a darling to Kenyans for allowing his tenants to stay without paying rent for two months.

Michael Munene says he understands the harsh economic times that Kenyans are going through, which is mainly caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

If the situation continues past the month of April he says, he is ready to consider allowing his tenants to also not pay rent for the month of May.

Mr Munene says that he was once a tenant and the unit he was renting was locked by the landlord when he could not pay rent.

“Na mimi siku moja nilikuwa tenant, na nimewai kufungiwa nyumba kwa sababu ya ukosefu wa kulipa. Tumekaa na wao kwa mdaa mrefu na wamenisaidia na nimefanya mambo mengi kutumia rent yao,”said Mr Munene.

He added: “Sasa nikaona wakati wa kushirikiana na wao na kusaidiana ni wakati huu. Mambo ya rent nitaondoa kwa miezi miwili, ile pesa ungetumia kulipa rent nunulia watoto chakula. Nitaangalia tukiona hili janga linaendelea kuzidi hata hiyo miezi nitasema waendelee bila kulipia mpaka hii kitu iondoke.”

In addition, Mr Munene has also provided a room to be used as an isolation area by any of his tenants or their guest, exhibiting symptoms of the virus as they await evacuation by medical personnel.