Lands CAS Kimani Ngunjiri speaks after shooting man during land tussle
Honorable Onesmus Kimani Ngunjiri, the Chief Administrative Secretary of Lands, Housing, Public works and Urban Development, on April 17, 2023, issued a statement hours after it emerged that he fired his gun during a dramatic land dispute drama captured in a viral video.
One person was left with a gunshot wound after the politician fired thrice during the confrontation at Solai Ndungiri Farm in Subukia, Nakuru County.
It was reported that the CAS stormed the half an acre farm with a tractor, destroyed a fence belonging to one of the farm’s neighbors.
The tussle was between the CAS and a woman known as Susan Murugi who claimed that the CAS was claiming her land.
Neighbors responded to the drama when Ms Murugi raised the alarm and at one point in the video, a woman could be heard asking the CAS why he had beaten her as he also threatened to kill her.
In his statement, CAS Ngunjiri said he had leased the particular piece of land since 2018 from an Anthony Kanyiri.
“Much had been said about today’s incident at my farm in Bahati. While the police are investigating the altercation that occurred, I state the following: I have leased the said parcel of land from Anthony Kanyiri starting 2018 to date.
Before leasing, I did my due diligence from the lands office and validated the said documents to be true in line with leasing agreement we drafted 2018.
I have constantly, without any dispute from anyone, cultivated that parcel annually to date on the said parcel of land.
Today’s incident was as shocking to me as it was to everyone else and believe that it was premeditated.
It beats any logical sense that over 50 people appear from nowhere with machetes and axes to attack me plus my workers. I was attacked and injured, received treatment at Bahati Sub-County hospital at Maili Kumi.
While police conduct investigations, I urge the public to remain calm. Lastly I also urge the media to be responsible in reporting factual truths and not innuendos sponsored by certain individuals,” said the CAS.
According to witnesses, CAS Ngunjiri had aimed his gun at Ms Murugi’s son who came to intervene when he saw her being manhandled. The bullet missed him and hit the husband of a woman identified as Lucy Onyango.
The gunshot victim was bundled into a vehicle together with another unidentified man and they left the scene. It is not known where the CAS took them to.