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Lessons as Nairobians brace for extension of chilly weather

The cozy embrace of blankets, steaming cups of chai, and layers of warm clothing have become our daily companions as several parts of the country experience an unexpected extension of the cold season.

Usually, July marks the culmination of the chilly weather, but in 2023, the cold weather has persisted, casting an icy spell well into August.

Experts are attributing this lingering cold snap to a combination of factors, with meteorological anomalies at the forefront.

Here are some reasons why the cold might have prolonged:

1. Climate Oscillations

The Earth’s climate patterns, often influenced by large-scale atmospheric and oceanic movements, can play a significant role in determining local weather. This year, unforeseen climate oscillations have triggered a prolonged cold spell, disrupting the typical transition into warmer months.

2. Shifts in Ocean Temperatures

The Indian Ocean, a significant climate influencer for Kenya, has been exhibiting unexpected temperature patterns. Warmer waters near the East African coast and cooler currents farther out to sea have contributed to the prolonged cold front. These oceanic shifts are believed to be influencing atmospheric conditions and driving the chillier weather.

3. Jet Stream Behavior

The jet stream, a fast-flowing ribbon of air high in the atmosphere, plays a crucial role in steering weather patterns. Deviations in the jet stream’s behavior can lead to extended periods of cold or heat.

In this case, alterations in the jet stream’s path have allowed colder air from higher latitudes to linger over Kenya, resulting in the unusually chilly conditions.

It’s also important to take precautions to stay warm and healthy:

1. Bundle Up: Layering clothing can help trap body heat and keep you warm. Don’t forget to wear a hat and gloves to prevent heat loss from your head and extremities.

2. Stay Hydrated: Cold weather can dehydrate your body, so make sure to drink plenty of warm fluids like herbal teas and soups to stay hydrated.

3. Maintain Indoor Warmth: Keep your living spaces warm and insulated. If you have a fireplace or heater, ensure they are in good working condition. Electric blankets and hot water bottles can also provide comforting warmth.

4. Embrace Warm Activities: Engaging in indoor activities like cooking hearty meals, reading, or working on crafts can help you stay warm while enjoying the cozy ambiance.

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