SNAPPY 7: Bilali – ‘Jela 5’ has propelled me to higher level
He is that familiar face that has been featured in countless commercials both on television and print. Bilali Wanjau Ibrahim also played a school bursar in the popular TV series, Tahidi High, and is now starring as a prison guard in Jela 5 which airs every week on Maisha Magic East.
But who exactly is this actor who is a qualified youth educator and community developer?
Nairobi News sought to find out. Excerpts from the interview:
1. When did you start acting? I started when I was while I was in high school from my teacher. While in form three, I started writing scripts and directing them as well. I got my first break in school after the main character in a play had some problem with the administration. luckily I had learned his lines.
2. After school when did you get your fist paid acting gig? I got it a day after I finished my last KCSE paper. It was a set book performance and I remember my first director in high school is the one who called me to join his team.
3. How has the journey been? I would say it has had its moments. I have been lucky to do a Bollywood movie Nkupenda Nakutaka. It was mostly shot in Kenya with a few parts in India. I have also done a few Africa Magic movies, but I have mostly been on TV shows, Nairobi Law and Lies that Bind being some of the series that I’ve had a role.
I have also appeared on several promotions for Daily Nation. Currently I’m playing a character called Kasaro in Jela 5. Kasoro is senior sergeant at the prison.
4. Where do you get the time to do it all? It all depends on the contracts I make. From there I can be able to juggle the time and make sure I make it to set.
5. Are you that passionate about your work? It started as a passion but now it is work. Now I let the passion work for me.
6. Between TV and movies, what would be your first choice? Definitely TV. A movie is a one off gig and after you finish shooting, you have no idea when you will be cast again. Unlike TV where you can work all year round.
7. How do people react after they meet you? Jela 5 has propelled me to a higher level. During a recent demonstration in town, I was walking towards National Theater when a lorry full of anti-riot police officers stopped and the driver told everyone to “salimia afande” (greet the cop) . I was humbled.