Comedian Daniel ‘Churchill’ Ndambuki is set to launch a new reality show to hunt for the best comedian in Kenya. The show dubbed...
Fans of the Churchill Show will be treated to a special live recording to be held at the Rift Valley Sports Club in Nakuru town on...
A somber mood engulfed Kijauri in Nyasiongo as comedian Emmanuel Makori aka Ayeiya’s family laid him to rest alongside his...
President Uhuru Kenyatta has joined hundreds of Kenyan in sending a message of condolences to the family and friends of comedian Emmanuel...
When comedian Daniel “Churchill” Ndambuki learned of his untimely “death”, he was having lunch, busy scrolling through his social...
Kenyan comedian, Daniel Ndambuki, better known Churchill, has dispelled fears over his 'death' following reports in a United Kingdom blog...
Describe yourself in three words Optimistic. Determined. Hardworking. I believe in a better tomorrow. How do you strike a balance...
Viewers across East Africa got a boost in their entertainment viewing after the much-acclaimed comedy show The Churchill Show made its...
Friday night was a memorable one for comedy lovers in Nairobi as the inaugural Laugh Festival was held at Carnivore grounds. Hosted by...
Malawian comedian Daliso Chaponda is in town for the Laugh Festival Africa comedy show that is going down tonight but he is not exactly a...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...