Netflix will premiere a new Kenyan drama series Mo-Faya, created and directed by Reuben Odanga, on December 20, 2024. The seven-episode...
Renowned Kenyan filmmaker David ‘Tosh’ Gitonga could lose more than Sh1 million as auctioneers have now attached assets in his office...
Kenyan Actor Manasseh Nyagah has opened up on the challenges he has encountered in South Africa since relocating in search of greener...
Kenyan filmmaker David ‘Tosh’ Gitonga has been ordered by a court to pay German editor Christian Kramer Sh678,403 in a row over a...
Netflix is testing a big homepage redesign on its TV app. The new look replaces the static tiles containing the shows and movies you...
When Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton were preparing to film Season 3 of the regency-era romance series “Bridgerton,” they knew they...
Streaming giant Netflix has shattered expectations by reaching a staggering 500 million subscribers worldwide. The company's triumphant...
'Uradi' actor Mwaura Bilal has explained the challenges he faces when disconnecting from the characters he portrays in his acting...
Netflix subscribers in Kenya have shown a particular affinity for diverse films and TV shows, with a mix of international and local content...
Renowned Kenyan filmmaker David ‘Tosh’ Gitonga is currently locked in a nasty legal suit with a German filmmaker Christian Kramer over...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...