Mike Sonko, the former Nairobi Governor who is famous for his extravagant lifestyle and flamboyant personality, is also known for his bold...
African Fabric and Designs Kenya was founded in late 2015 by Kate Mayeye Okaranime and her husband Leonard Okaranime. The design house was...
Have you seen women who always look so simple polished and graceful and sophisticated all at the same time? Their style is so ingenious and...
Talk of Kenyan bloggers representing us Internationally. This gal I promise never disappoints and if you doubt me check her work...
The other day I was talking to my fellow friend and Fashion blogger Elle of http :// www.elledke.com/ .Our discussion was obvious as we...
What is a shirt dress you ask? It is basically a shirt that is longer than an ideal shirt and therefore can be styled like a dress. Where...
I am a self-proclaimed pants die hard since I was young. Growing up and transitioning from a little gal to an adult and adjusting to...
Recently we have been experiencing what I term as Bipolar weather. Sometimes we wake up to beautiful magical sunny days, other mornings we...
Hey Fashion Lovers, The fashion industry tremendously grown in our country. Fashion opportunities that exist range from fashion...
I have been anxiously waiting for the rains to pour like my next meal depended on it. Of course my whole life depends on it but that is not...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...