Team Mafisi member bites more than he can chew as lady ‘tenant’ defies eviction notice
An illicit sexual affair has turned bitter for one Nairobi man who ‘rented’ out a room in his two-bedroom house to woman after their landlord-tenant relationship developed into a ‘friendship with benefits’.
The distressed Kenyan is now seeking advice on social media after the woman in question defied his notice to end the sexual affair.
The man, who identified himself as Ephraim Otieno, claims the woman now is now claiming joint tenancy of the house while also threatening to move to court to seek legal redress.
According to Otieno his troublesome tenant, who is a University student, also recently threw his legitimate girlfriend out of the house.
“Good people, hell started on Friday 25th January 2018 when I invited my new girlfriend to my house. We arrived at noon and after lunch left bae in the house and went to town to attend to something. Two hours later she called and upon receiving, could hear her cry. She then said ‘You’ve left me in your house so that your wife can kill me?’ The tenant chased away my bae from my own house,” a seemingly worried Otieno narrates.
“I gave out the room because at the time I acquired the house, I had little things. They could only fit in the living room and master bedroom. (I) have since bought a lot of things and now the two rooms I have are not enough,” he further added.
Interestingly, the man has conceded to engaging in intimate relations with the ‘tenant’ even although he maintains this was with no strings attached.
But the woman is now claiming the Sh7,000 she has been paying every fifth day of the month is not rent but monies aimed at helping him to purchase the said house, insisting she is the man’s girlfriend.