Uhuru campaigns in the rain, Twitter isn’t impressed
President Uhuru Kenyatta was on Sunday pictured braving the rain during a campaign tour in Nyahururu, Laikipia County.
The President was pictured on his vehicle’s sunroof waving at a section supporters, oblivious of the heavy rain.
Well, Twitterville was not so impressed.
Here is what KOT had to say about the President being rained on.
Hahaha kwani yeye ni binadamu wa kwanza kunyeshewa? Ata obama alinyeshewa na haikua breaking news.tumewazoea na PR. pic.twitter.com/JqlqofpHe4
— SmokingGun©? (@NorbertKneller) October 15, 2017
If he can direct the same efforts on corruption which is sucking Kenya dry then i would give him my one vote but he is the same guy
— mutothya thyaka (@mutothya) October 15, 2017
Is That when the rain started beating him?
— Gracey love (@Graceylove1) October 15, 2017
This cannot be the reason 4 his reelection. He should be answerable, as to why he is amending the election laws if at all he won.
— Isaac Moribo (@IMoribo) October 15, 2017
Nothing special about it because people expecting handouts. If the economy was doing u won’t see those idiers lining up on the way.
— ringenga riaminto (@ringenga) October 16, 2017
When you’ve hit the depths of desperation & your job depends on it. You can campaign till kingdom come.
— ZëitGêî§T ™ ♔ (@simeonominde) October 15, 2017
Kenyans walk in the rain most of the time due to poor infrastructure and transport network…it’s no big deal
— Erick Mugita (@ngeta) October 15, 2017
Why let our tax payers car seats be rained on nkt
— Balikuddembe Snr. (@NNabwangu) October 15, 2017
They say political temperatures are too high,don’t mind him?
— ◎Triιιο✯ (@shadytrillo) October 15, 2017
The master is out in the rain, where’re the servants? You can’t sign a deal with the hired crowd to stand in the rain for PR!
— Hazard,Morata,Baka# (@Niftykrazy) October 15, 2017
Why are you wasting your time there is no election on 26th October, just rehearse for your birthday, dont suffer in the rains.????
— Harry (@haryjay254) October 15, 2017
You are still campaigning when your competitor is @Aukot,@ Nyaga,@Dida? Has there been a big joke than this?
— Muteti (@Muteti89476120) October 15, 2017