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Uproar! MP Kimani Ichun’gwa to take part of Moi Girls school land to build affordable houses

By Winnie Mabel October 27th, 2023 2 min read

Kikuyu Constituency Member of Parliament Antony Ichung’wah Kimani announced plans to hive off a section of Moi Girls School Kamangu’s land and allocate it for the construction of affordable housing.

In his statement issued on October 25, 2023, the MP stated that his team from the State Department for Housing had already conducted a site visit at the school; and that they were also going to undertake development projects for the school as well.

“The Constituency Office team and officials from the State Department for Housing conducted a site visit to Moi Girls Secondary School-Kamangu, which has been proposed for an upcoming affordable housing project within Kikuyu Constituency. This project carries significant economic and social implications, as it will not only address the need for housing but also create employment opportunities in the construction industry within the community. Additionally, the Ministry is committed to enhancing the school’s infrastructure by initiating projects such as the construction of a perimeter wall and the development of a swimming pool,” said Mr Ichungwah.

The development news was met with mixed reactions. Some rejoiced and urged the Parliamentarian to keep up the good job while others wondered what the logic was behind hiving off much needed school land to build houses.

“For my secondary school education, I went to Moi Girls Kamangu. I am therefore very shocked to see the government planning to take part of the school’s land for affordable housing. Our country’s population is growing and schools will need space to expand in the future. How will they expand if this government embarks on taking school land for commercial purposes. And don’t we all know what will happen next? Part of the school land will end up be grabbed by powerful individuals. There is a lot of land in Kikuyu constituency. They should buy that and leave the school land alone. #HandsOffSchoolLand,” said Jubilee Party’s Depuiy Organizing Secretary Pauline Njoroge.

Several other Kenyans echoed Ms Njoroge’s sentiments.

“The government should not take land that belongs to schools. This affordable housing is a big scapegoat for land grabbing,” said Carol wa Davie.

“So the MP wants the land grabbed to create job opportunities in the name of housing for the school drop outs from the same school due to school fees? With this kind of leadership, Kenya will remain to be a third world country,” added Ferdy Ivasha.

“Perimeter wall and a swimming pool in order to take hectares of land 😃😃😃😃😃..we voted jokers indeed,” opined Raygne Kelvin.

“Wueeh! Boniface Mwangi, remember what you did in Lang’ata primary school? A replica of the same about to happen in Moi Girls Kamangu!” added Milcah Ndungu.

“The government should buy land and not settle people in school ,hospitals or other public land because Kenya does not have an expiry date and as it gets older and older so does the population and need for larger and larger school arise,” said Thomas Wasnai.

“People’s priorities are not housing, especially in ndeiya. Good infrastructures, water and modern farming techniques are what people needs,” opined Julius Muratha.

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