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Why Flashy parties are draining GenZ

Furahiday, a corrupted version of Friday in Kenya, is an eagerly anticipated day that is met with great enthusiasm.

Gen Z meticulously plan for it, as if their entire livelihood hinges upon it, moving from one rave to another.

A significant portion of these young people exert considerable effort to earn money, only to find themselves unable to account for their expenditures the following day.

The pressure and extravagant social gatherings compel numerous individuals to adopt lavish lifestyles, attending these parties even when they lack the means.

According to a research done by United Way NCA in DEC 01, 2022, Gen Z are more socially conscious and politically active than previous generations.

Speaking to Nairobi News, David Otieno, a college student, shares his struggle in keeping up with the relentless party scene.

“I attend these parties every weekend primarily because I fear exclusion from my social circle. All my friends are avid partygoers, constantly seeking out different clubs to revel in,” he explains.

“However, sustaining this lifestyle proves to be quite challenging. I have repeatedly wasted my pocket money, relying heavily on loans. I take Fuliza, Hustler Fund just to maintain the lifestyle. However, there are moments when I hesitate to decline these plans, fearing the label of being a loser,” David told Nairobi News.

On the other hand, Caroline Awino, a resident from Nairobi, recounts her encounter with this phenomenon.

“I experience ongoing pressure from my colleagues at work, who occasionally make me feel like an outsider. They frequently organize one party after another. When we’re not out clubbing, we’re on impromptu picnics that invariably turn into raves,” she told Nairobi News.

“I rarely manage to save any money. Alcohol is expensive, but due to the allure of fun and the fear of missing out, I often go along with it,” Muthoni admits.

Ladies for example, have make-up artists or learn to do their own make-up. On the other hand, purchasing make-up requires money.

Not to forget, the GenZ have to dress well, hire a Uber and ensure he or she has extra coins for mzinga.

Sustaining this lifestyle proves to be quite challenging as many GenZ have repeatedly wasted their money forcing them to rely on loans.

The trend of borrowing to maintain a flashy lifestyle seems to have taken root like an affliction, particularly among the youth, draining their resources.

Social media platforms, particularly TikTok, have exacerbated the pressure, as many feel compelled to document their activities.

Some even feel emotionally drained for unnecessary competition just to fit in a ‘certain class’.

Despite the expense of alcohol, they often succumb to the desire for enjoyment and the fear of being left out.

Those unable to afford such extravagances are left feeling awkward in the presence of peers who prioritize these experiences.

There is a pressing need for financial literacy to be incorporated as a mandatory subject in schools. This would serve to safeguard young individuals from recklessly squandering their resources.

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