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Workers Union threatens protest after Sakaja suspended ‘Kanjo’ cops

The Kenya County Government Workers Union has strongly condemned Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja’s decision to suspend three officers from the Security and Compliance department.

The union, through Nairobi Staff Branch secretary Mr Festus Ngari and Nairobi City Branch secretary Mr Calvince Okello, demands the immediate rescindment of the suspensions, declaring potential protests if their demands are not met.

In a statement, the union asserts that the suspension of Security and Compliance Chief Officer Mr Tony Kimani, Director of City Inspectorate Mr Benjamin Omondi, and Assistant Director Operations Ms Carol Njuguna was executed without due process, violating the procedures outlined in the law and the PSC HR manual.

They express concern about a pattern of unfair treatment towards county employees, citing a trend of harassment and dismissals without proper adherence to established procedures.

The union points out that the suspension comes on the heels of a thanksgiving ceremony where Governor Sakaja praised Chief Officer Mr Tony Kimani and the entire inspectorate team for their outstanding work.

They express dissatisfaction with the administration’s tendency to dismiss workers without respecting established procedures, citing examples such as former County Attorney Mr Lydiah Kwamboka and Ward Development Fund CEO Ms Josephine Kithi.

“This kind of populist, emotional, erratic, and primitive action of victimizing workers for carrying out their mandate that is fast becoming the norm in this Government devoid of facts, good labour, and administrative practices has brought emotional distress to these officers and tainted their otherwise stellar careers,” the union states.

The union warns that if the county continues this trend of dismissing workers arbitrarily, it will instill fear and demoralize Nairobi County Workers. They emphasize their commitment to defending the dignity and welfare of their members, especially when the rule of law and administrative processes are not respected.

Governor Sakaja, through Acting County Secretary Mr Patrick Analo, suspended the three officers based on allegations of harassment and degrading treatment of traders, motorists, and business owners.

The suspension took immediate effect, with Ms Eva Wairiuko and Mr William Kangogo appointed in acting capacities to replace Mr Tony Kimani and Mr Benjamin Omondi, respectively.

The union maintains that such actions undermine the rights of workers and will not be tolerated.