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Worry not, the pill may not lower libido

Ladies, don’t be afraid. The contraceptive pill may not be bad to your sex drive after all.

According to a recent research, the pill does not affect a woman’s sexual satisfaction if she meets her partner while already taking it.

The team of researchers which included researchers from the Universities of Stirling, Glasgow, Newcastle and Northumbia found out that sex drive in women can only fall if they stop taking the pill during a relationship.

The pill has been a tremendously positive social force, empowering women and giving them greater control over their lives, but there is also a lot of controversy surrounding the question of whether hormonal contraceptives alter women’s libido and sexual satisfaction.

Lead researcher Dr Craig Roberts from Stirling’s Division of Psychology said the study found out that women who had been taking the pill before meeting their partners and those who had never taken the pill showed greater sexual satisfaction than those who have taken it and stopped.

“So it means women‘s pill use throughout the relationship has a greater influence on sexual satisfaction levels than either simply being on the pill or not being on the pill,” said Dr Roberts.

The study that was published in the journal Psychological Science found that the pill had no effect to the sexual satisfaction on men.

Dr Roberts added that previous researches have only shown that hormonal contraceptives, such as the pill, slightly alter women’s ideal partner preferences.

“Our new results point to the impact a change in hormonal contraceptive use during a relationship, either starting or stopping, can have on a woman’s sexual satisfaction with her partner,” he said.

“We hope our results will help women understand why they might feel the way they do about their partner when they change use,” concluded Dr Roberts.